Sixth Form Refurbishment

Sixth form refurbishments are something of a speciality at TaskSpace. Sixth forms are the bridge between school and working life, so it’s vital that your sixth form refurbishment results in a contemporary, bright and welcoming space that is genuinely better than the local Starbucks!

Sixth form refurbishment projects need careful planning. At TaskSpace, we strike the balance between social break out spaces for young adults to chat and catch up, and individual study areas for students to work and concentrate.

Speak to one of our advisors to discuss our experience refurbishing sixth forms and common rooms around the UK.

TaskSpace has successfully carried out sixth form and common room refurbishment projects for schools all over the UK. If you’d like to discuss a potential project, even if you’re just at the ideas stage, please contact us and our team will be in touch.

Sixth Form Refurbishment

Why Consider a Sixth Form Refurbishment?

A school’s sixth form is a bridge to higher education and adult life. It is where students take significant steps toward their future careers and personal development. However, outdated or uninspiring learning environments can hinder progress and motivation. TaskSpace specialises in Sixth Form refurbishment, ensuring that these spaces become dynamic, inspiring, and conducive to academic excellence.

The Top 6 Design Considerations When Refurbishing Your Sixth Form

1. Identity: Your sixth form must be visually distinct from the rest of the school.

2. Choice: Sixth formers are able to self-direct their learning and choose what type of space they want to use for a particular task.

3. Future: Your new sixth form must bridge the gap between school and work, or school and University.

4. Competition: Your sixth form must be different to what other institutions offer, because it’s super competitive in this pupil pool.

5. Social: Sixth formers need a sophisticated, relaxed space for socialising. This is one of the biggest pulls for any successful sixth form.

6. Ownership: Your sixth formers must contribute to the design process, so they also buy into how the space is used.

Customised Design Solutions to Match Your Unique Identity

Environmental sustainability is a growing concern. TaskSpace is committed to eco-friendly refurbishment by using sustainable materials and energy-efficient technologies. We help schools reduce their carbon footprint while creating a healthy and environmentally responsible learning environment.

The Benefits of Sixth Form Refurbishment

Modernisation: Outdated facilities can inhibit effective teaching and learning. TaskSpace’s refurbishment services breathe new life into sixth form spaces, incorporating the latest trends and technologies to create a contemporary atmosphere.

Improved Functionality: As educational methods evolve, learning spaces must adapt. Our refurbishment solutions focus on optimising layout and functionality, ensuring that classrooms and study areas are tailored to the needs of both educators and students.

Enhanced Comfort: Comfort is a significant factor in productivity and well-being. TaskSpace integrates ergonomic furniture and seating arrangements that promote comfort and support extended periods of study.

Technology Integration: In the digital age, technology plays a crucial role in education. We ensure seamless technology integration, enhancing the learning experience with state-of-the-art audiovisual systems, interactive whiteboards, and robust connectivity.

Flexibility: Flexibility is key to accommodating diverse teaching methods and learning styles. TaskSpace’s refurbishment designs prioritise flexible learning spaces that can adapt to various activities, from lectures to collaborative work.

Aesthetics & Inspiration: Inspirational surroundings can boost motivation and creativity. Our refurbishment projects incorporate aesthetically pleasing elements, such as modern design concepts, vibrant colours, and dynamic layouts.

A Collaborative Approach

TaskSpace values collaboration and open communication. We actively involve you in the refurbishment process, ensuring that your vision and feedback are integrated into every aspect of the project.

TaskSpace is your trusted partner in revitalising sixth form spaces. Our dedicated team of professionals is ready to transform your sixth form into a dynamic, inspiring, and student-centric environment. Whether you’re an educator, school administrator, or involved in the decision-making process, TaskSpace is here to answer your questions and bring your sixth form refurbishment vision to life.

Contact us today to discuss how TaskSpace can elevate your sixth form spaces, creating an atmosphere where students can excel academically and personally.


If you’d like our Design Studio to create no obligation design for a space in your school, please fill in your contact details below…

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