
At TaskSpace, we believe that creating inspiring, engaging spaces is a science as well as an art. In our resources section you’ll find insights, reports and articles that you may find useful.

How We Can Complete Interior Building Renovations Safely During Term Time!

Ultimately, the summer calendar gets pretty full, and it’s considered the best time to complete building renovations.…


How We Refurbish Listed Buildings

A great number of leading independent schools have the advantage of having fabulous old buildings – albeit ones that…


What are the Different Types of Teaching Wall?

Learnstor is the mid-range, carcass-based system, in our experience combining the best qualities of all the available…


Why You Need a Properly Designed Boarding House

After exhaustive discussions and weighing up the pros and cons of a variety of boarding schools, a set of parents have…


Private Schools: Can You Afford Not to Innovate?

Take a look at the marketing of any independent school worth its salt and it’ll tell you that the things which…


How to Create Classrooms Ready for Crowdsourced Education

It is likely the teaching and learning environment in today’s classrooms is totally alien to what you experienced as a…


Cultural Immersion in the Classroom

Cultural immersion, the act of surrounding yourself in a specific culture or language, is a huge trend in education,…


How to Demonstrate Value for Money with the Physical Environment

Whilst today’s independent school parents are happy to pay for their child’s education, they are a group keen to see…


Give Your School the Competitive Edge through Design

Over the last 20 years, independent education has becoming increasingly more accessible to families choosing the…


How to Choose the Right School Design & School Fit Out Partner

Are you about to embark upon a project to redesign, refurbish or fit out a new space in your school? If so, we've…


How to Design Your School Space

Over the years we've designed and installed hundreds of new spaces for schools all over the UK. We really have seen it…



Should Independent Schools Increase Class Sizes?

For a long time, a traditional view has been held that the smaller the class size, the better the educational outcome…


The Cyberbullying Problem in English Schools

For many young people, social media is now ingrained into their daily routine. It’s the way they communicate with…


The Rise of Wellbeing in Schools

Across the United Kingdom, schools are taking action to support the mental health of their students. Some are offering…


What Makes a Successful Sixth Form?

In our line of work, we see a lot of sixth form centres. Some are superb. Others are not. But what, exactly, is it that…


What is a Teaching Wall?

What is a teaching wall? Good question. A teaching wall, sometimes called a learning wall or media wall, is a…


Do Schools Even Need IT Suites Anymore?

Often we are asked by our clients to refurbish or upgrade IT suites. We usually respond with the same question: ‘Why…


Study Proves Student Performance is Directly Linked to Classroom Design

There has long been a theory that it is not just teaching methods that has an impact on the end of year grades. This…
