6th Form in Buckinghamshire
The conversion of an old nightclub building into a multipurpose 6th form centre.

6th Form in Cambridge
The redesign of the 6th form common room so the 6th formers have a building of their own, with a professional, University type feel.

6th Form in St Albans
The redesign and refurbishment of the 6th form area in preparation for the school going co-educational in 2021.

6th Form in Hertfordshire
Refurbishment of existing 6th form area with new furniture items and refreshed design.

At TaskSpace we design, fit out and refurbish sixth forms, classrooms, libraries, dining halls, staff rooms, dormitories and more. If you have any spaces in your school that need an overhaul, please contact us to get a free photo-realistic design.
Call: 01582 867 323 or Email: d.cantley@taskspace.co.uk